Hinode changes

Posted on July 21, 2023 (Last modified on August 30, 2023) • 27 min read • 5,615 words
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An overview of the changes to the Hinode theme that were made for this site

Hinode changes
Brett Jordan  on Unsplash 

The foundation of this site, besides Hugo, is Hinode  . This post provides an overview of the changes that were made to the Hinode theme, to get to the current design of this site. Obviously the information in this blog is very specific for this site, but if there is something of interest with respect to the layout on this site, it should be described here.

Note that the following changes are described elsewhere:

  • A sharing button for Mastodon.
  • A shortcode for the gallery.
  • A shortcode for a different way of displaying images.

Basic modifications to the configuration files

There are more modification to the configuration files than mentioned here, but they are explained with the specific topic.

The following are the modifications to config/_default/hugo.toml.

title = "Myrthos"
copyright = "Copyright © 2023 Myrthos."
baseURL = "https://myrthos.net/"

In the [privacy] section add the following to disable GoogleAnalytics.

    disabled = true
    respectDoNotTrack = true

These are the modifications to the Content Security Policy (CSP) elements in config/_default/server.toml.

    Content-Security-Policy = """\
        default-src 'none'; \
        script-src 'self' 'report-sample' https://utteranc.es/client.js https://gc.zgo.at/count.v3.js; \
        style-src 'self' 'unsafe-hashes' 'report-sample' https://utteranc.es https://www.youtube.com \
            'sha256-kFAIUwypIt04FgLyVU63Lcmp2AQimPh/TdYjy04Flxs=' 'sha256-XzJlZKVo+ff9ozww9Sr2p/2TbJXITZuaWMZ9p53zN1U=' \
            'sha256-hqhQ1AAR6jgr9lel8hs9sNOeqSwsGx6HH+B7TkLcmyY=' 'sha256-9HupEqQsOKAA3TMVtaZh8USULhFpwYGuWFk+44sVSgg='
        object-src 'none'; \
        base-uri 'self'; \
        connect-src 'self' https://myrthos.goatcounter.com/count; \
        font-src 'self'; \
        frame-src 'self' https://utteranc.es https://www.youtube-nocookie.com https://www.youtube.com; \
        frame-ancestors 'none'; \
        img-src 'self' data: https://i.vimeocdn.com https://i.ytimg.com https://img.youtube.com https://myrthos.goatcounter.com/count; \
        manifest-src 'self'; \
        media-src 'self'; \
        form-action 'self'; \

And when using Netlify also to netlify.toml.

The hashes in the above are for the support of Goat and Utterances.

In config/_default/params.toml change schema, opengraph and comments to the following:

    type = "Organization"
    name = "Myrthos"
    locale = "en-US"
    github = "https://github.com/myrthos/myrthos-site"
    section = "blog"
        name = "Joost Mans"
        x = "https://x.com/therealmyrthos"
        github = "https://github.com/myrthos"
        mastodon = "https://techhub.social/@Myrthos"
        url = "img/Logo_Rotated_light.png"
        width = 390
        height = 350
        url = "img/Logo_Rotated_Text_light.png"
        width = 1359
        height = 390

    images = ["Logo_Rotated_Text_light.png"]
    locale = "en_US"

    enabled = true
    repo = "myrthos/myrthos-site"
    issueTerm = "pathname" # pathname, url, title, og:title
    label = "Comment"
    # By default, light and dark mode correspond to github-light and github-dark, respectively.
    # Optional values: github-light, github-dark, preferred-color-scheme, github-dark-orange, icy-dark, dark-blue, photon-dark.
    theme = "" 

Make comments aware of the theme

The comments are managed by Utterances  . It requires the installation of a small piece of javascript that, amongst others, also specifies the theme to use. This is managed in layouts/partials/assets/comments.html. However this uses a fixed theme that can be specified in the comments.theme parameter in config/_default/params.toml. Because of that the theme of the comments does not change when the theme of the site is changed between dark and light.

To resolve this the theme parameter should be set as specified in the previous paragraph. Furthermore the contents of layouts/partials/assets/comments.html should be replaced with:

{{- $params := .Site.Params.comments -}}
{{- with $params -}}
<h2>{{ T "comments" }}</h2>
<div class="d-none-light">
  <script src="https://utteranc.es/client.js"
    repo="{{ $params.repo }}"
    issue-term="{{ default "pathname" $params.issueTerm }}"
    label="{{ default "comment" $params.label }}"
    theme="{{ default "github-dark" $params.theme }}"
<div class="d-none-dark">
  <script src="https://utteranc.es/client.js"
    repo="{{ $params.repo }}"
    issue-term="{{ default "pathname" $params.issueTerm }}"
    label="{{ default "comment" $params.label }}"
    theme="{{ default "github-light" $params.theme }}"
{{- end -}}

Use a term for the comments

For some article pages it would be nice to have the same set of comments on more than one page. This can be enabled by using "term" as the value of the comments.issueTerm parameter in config/_default/params.toml.

Also the contents of layouts/partials/assets/comments.html needs to be replaced with the following.

<!-- cSpell:ignore commentsterm -->
{{- $params := .Site.Params.comments -}}
{{- $page := . -}}
{{- with $params -}}
  {{- $issueTerm := default "pathname" $params.issueTerm -}}
  <!-- If we are using a term, default to the path/filename.
       If in the frontmatter `commentsterm` is defined, use path/commentsterm
       unless it is a '.', in that case only use the path -->
  {{- with $params.issueTerm -}}
    {{- if eq "term" . }}
      {{- with $page.Params.commentsterm }}
        {{- if eq "." . -}}
          <!-- Create an issue term based on the path only -->
          {{- $issueTerm = strings.TrimSuffix "/" $page.File.Dir -}}
        {{- else -}}
          <!-- Create an issue term based on the path and the commentsterm -->
          {{- $issueTerm = printf "%s%s" $page.File.Dir . }}
        {{- end -}}
      {{- else -}}
        <!-- Create an issue term based on the path and the filename -->
        {{- $issueTerm = printf "%s%s" $page.File.Dir $page.File.BaseFileName }}
      {{- end -}}
    {{- end -}}
  {{- end -}}
  <h2>{{ T "comments" }}</h2>
  <div class="d-none-light">
    <script src="https://utteranc.es/client.js"
      repo="{{ $params.repo }}"
      issue-term="{{- $issueTerm -}}"
      label="{{ default "comment" $params.label }}"
      theme="{{ default "github-dark" $params.theme }}"
  <div class="d-none-dark">
    <script src="https://utteranc.es/client.js"
      repo="{{ $params.repo }}"
      issue-term="{{- $issueTerm -}}"
      label="{{ default "comment" $params.label }}"
      theme="{{ default "github-light" $params.theme }}"
{{- end -}}

The extra lines will offer the following option when comments.issueTerm = "term" is set for the issue in Github:

  • If in the frontmatter commentsterm is not set, the path and filename of the current page is used (this is the same as using "pathname" instead of "term).
  • If in the frontmatter commentsterm: . is set, the path to the current folder (so, excluding the filename) is used. All pages in the folder withe the same commentsterm will use the same set of comments.
  • If in the frontmatter commentsterm is set, but it is different than ., the path to the current folder and the commentsterm value is used. All pages in the folder withe the same commentsterm will use the same set of comments. This allows to use more than one set of comments for pages in the same folder.

Remove multi-language support

In config/_default/hugo.toml set the following:

defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = false  
disableLanguages = ['nl']

This disables the Dutch language, leaving only the English language, but still provides the option to enable a language in the future in an easy way. The Hinode  documentation has information on completely removing the Dutch language.

ASAP font support

The Myrthos site uses the ASAP font, which is different from the default Hinode font.

Go to this page  and select the ASAP font for 200, 300, 600 and regular.
Download the zip file and extract it to static/fonts.

Edit config/_default/params.toml and change themeFont to: themeFont = "asap".

Edit assets/scss/common/_variables.scss and change this line: $font-weight-normal: 400 !default;

Edit assets/scss/theme/fonts.scss and replace the entire contents with the CSS code generated by selecting Historic Support on the site. Also add the following at the top of the file:

 * Copyright 2018 The Asap Project Authors
 * https://github.com/Omnibus-Type/Asap

 * This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
 * This license is copied below, and is also available with a FAQ at:
 * https://scripts.sil.org/OFL

Remove all the files named inter-* in static/fonts.

favicon support

The Myrthos site uses different favicon files, which are: android-chrome.png, apple-touch-icon.png, favicon.png and safari-pinned-tab.svg. They are all stored in assets/img/favicon.

To support these favicon files change the [favicon] section in config/_default/params.toml to:

    logo = "img/favicon/favicon.png"
    logoSize = 48
    logoSizes = [32, 16]
    LogoApple = "img/favicon/apple-touch-icon.png"
    logoAppleSize = 180
    logoAppleSizes = [152, 120, 76, 60]
    LogoAndroid = "img/favicon/android-chrome.png"
    logoAndroidSize = 256
    logoAndroidSizes = [192]
    maskIcon = "img/favicon/safari-pinned-tab.svg"

Change the file layouts/partials/head/favicon.html into the following:

{{ if .Site.Params.favicon.logo -}}
    {{ $favicon := resources.Get .Site.Params.favicon.logo -}}
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="{{.Site.Params.favicon.logoSize}}x{{.Site.Params.favicon.logoSize}}" href="{{ $favicon.Permalink }}">
    {{ range $i := .Site.Params.favicon.logoSizes -}} 
        {{ $image := $favicon.Resize (printf "%dx%d CatmullRom" $i $i) -}}
        <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="{{$i}}x{{$i}}" href="{{ $image.Permalink }}">
    {{ end -}} 
{{ end -}}
{{ if .Site.Params.favicon.LogoApple -}}
    {{ $favicon := resources.Get .Site.Params.favicon.LogoApple -}}
    <link rel="apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" sizes="{{.Site.Params.favicon.logoAppleSize}}x{{.Site.Params.favicon.logoAppleSize}}" href="{{ $favicon.Permalink }}">
    {{ range $i := .Site.Params.favicon.logoAppleSizes -}} 
        {{ $image := $favicon.Resize (printf "%dx%d CatmullRom" $i $i) -}}
        <link rel="apple-touch-icon" type="image/png" sizes="{{$i}}x{{$i}}" href="{{ $image.Permalink }}">
    {{ end -}} 
{{ end -}}
{{ if .Site.Params.favicon.LogoAndroid -}}
    {{ $favicon := resources.Get .Site.Params.favicon.LogoAndroid -}}
    <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="{{.Site.Params.favicon.logoAndroidSize}}x{{.Site.Params.favicon.logoAndroidSize}}" href="{{ $favicon.Permalink }}">
    {{ range $i := .Site.Params.favicon.logoAndroidSizes -}} 
        {{ $image := $favicon.Resize (printf "%dx%d CatmullRom" $i $i) -}}
        <link rel="icon" type="image/png" sizes="{{$i}}x{{$i}}" href="{{ $image.Permalink }}">
    {{ end -}} 
{{ end -}}
{{ if .Site.Params.favicon.maskIcon -}}
    {{ $favicon := resources.Get .Site.Params.favicon.maskIcon -}}
    <link rel="mask-icon" href="{{ $favicon.Permalink }}" color="#5bbad5">
{{ end -}}

For completeness also change the file layouts/default/single.xml the line:
{{ with resources.Get "img/favicon.png" }} to
{{ with resources.Get "img/favicon/android-chrome.png" }}

Add to assets/scss/theme/theme.scss the following:

// Remove the background from the table. Apply to th and td
.table-noBG {
    background:transparent !important;

// For the footer table, remove the background.
// Also make the column width 50%, so that the title centers correctly
.table-footer-col {
    background:transparent !important;
    width: 50%;

Change in /config/_default/languages.toml the following:

        link = "about"
        caption = "About"
        title = "Social Media"
        caption = ""
        license = "Licensed under Creative Commons (<a href='https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/' class='link-secondary' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>CC BY-NC-SA 4.0</a>)."
        title = "Site Links"

Change layouts/partials/footer/social.html to:

{{- $tab := site.Params.main.externalLinks.tab -}}
<div class="container-fluid">
    <div  class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-sm-4 bg-primary p-3 bg-opacity-{{ .Site.Params.style.themeOpacity | default "25" | safeHTML }} align-items-top">
        <div class="col col-md-2 d-none d-md-block"></div>
        <div class="col col-sm-6 col-md-4">
            <table class="table table-borderless">
                    <tr><th colspan="2" class="text-center table-noBG">
                       <div class="fs-3 fw-bold">{{ .Site.Params.footer.footerTitle }}</div>
            {{ range .Site.Menus.footer -}}
                <td class="text-end table-footer-col">{{ .Name | safeHTML }}</td>
                <td class="text-start table-footer-col">
                    <a href="{{ .PageRef | relLangURL }}" rel="noopener noreferrer" aria-label="{{ .Name | safeHTML }}" class="text-decoration-none link-secondary d-inline p-2">
                        {{ if hasPrefix .Pre "<i" }}
                            {{ .Pre | safeHTML }}
                        {{ else }}
                            {{ partial "assets/icon.html" (dict "icon" (printf "%s fa-2x" .Pre) )}}
                        {{ end }}    
            {{ end -}}
        <div class="col col-sm-6 col-md-4">
            <table class="table table-borderless">
                    <tr><th colspan="2" class="text-center table-noBG">
                       <div class="fs-3 fw-bold">{{ .Site.Params.footer.socialTitle }}</div>
            {{ range .Site.Menus.social -}}
                <td class="text-end table-footer-col">{{ .Name | safeHTML }}</td>
                <td class="text-start table-footer-col">
                    <a href="{{ .URL }}" {{ if $tab }} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"{{ end }} aria-label="{{ .Name | safeHTML }}" class="text-decoration-none link-secondary d-inline p-2">
                        {{ if hasPrefix .Pre "<i" }}
                            {{ .Pre | safeHTML }}
                        {{ else }}
                            {{ partial "assets/icon.html" (dict "icon" (printf "%s fa-2x" .Pre) )}}
                        {{ end }}                        
            {{ end -}}
        <div class="col col-md-2 d-none d-md-block"></div>

Add to config/_default/menus/menus.en.toml the following:

  name = "About"
  pre = "fas fa-address-card fa-xl"
  pageRef = "/about/"
  url = "/about/"
  weight = 5

  name = "Contact"
  pre = "fas fa-envelope fa-xl"
  pageRef = "/contact/"
  url = "/contact/"
  weight = 10

  name = "Terms of use"
  pre = "fas fa-building fa-xl"
  pageRef = "/terms/"
  weight = 30

  name = "Privacy Policy"
  pre = "fas fa-user-shield fa-xl"
  pageRef = "/privacy/"
  weight = 40

  name = "Credits"
  pre = "fa fa-file-lines fa-xl"
  pageRef = "/credits/"
  weight = 50

Override [[social]] with:

  name = "LinkedIn"
  pre = "fab linkedin"
  url = "https://linkedin.com/in/joost-mans-a201b333"
  weight = 10

  name = "GitHub"
  pre = "fab fa-github"
  url = "https://github.com/myrthos"
  weight = 20

  name = "X"
  pre = "fab fa-square-x-twitter"
  url = "https://x.com/therealmyrthos"
  weight = 30

  name = "Mastodon"
  pre = "fab fa-mastodon"
  url = "https://techhub.social/@Myrthos"
  weight = 40

Add to i18n/en.yaml:

- id: about
  translation: "About"

Header changes

In config/_default/params.toml change breadcrumb to true to enable breadcrumbs.
In assets/scss/components/_breadcrumb.scss change padding-top to 0.5 * $navbar-offset;

In config/_default/menus/menus.en.toml replace the [[main]] section with:

  name = "Blog"
  pageRef = "/blog/"
  weight = 10

  name = "Projects"
  pageRef = "/projects/"
  weight = 20

  name = "Documentation"
  pageRef = "/docs/"
  weight = 30

  name = "Gallery"
  pageRef = "/gallery/"
  weight = 40

  name = "Tags"
  pageRef = "/tags/"
  weight = 50

In static/img, the following logos exist:

  • The site logo (the rotated logo with text)
    • Logo_Rotated_Text50-dark.webp
    • Logo_Rotated_Text50-light.webp

The logo has a dark and a light version, as there is a different logo depending on the selected color.

Add in config/_default/params.toml in the navigation section:

logo = "/img/Logo_Rotated_Text50.webp"
logoWidth = 174

Change in layouts/partials/assets/navbar.html these lines:

<img src="{{if $absoluteURL }}{{ absURL $logoLight }}{{ else }}{{ $logoLight }}{{ end }}" class="d-none-dark" alt="{{ $title }} logo" height="30">
<img src="{{if $absoluteURL }}{{ absURL $logoDark }}{{ else }}{{ $logoDark }}{{ end }}" class="d-none-light" alt="{{ $title }} logo" height="30">


<img src="{{if $absoluteURL }}{{ absURL $logoLight }}{{ else }}{{ $logoLight }}{{ end }}" class="d-none-dark" alt="{{ $title }} logo" height="50" {{with site.Params.navigation.logoWidth}}width="{{- site.Params.navigation.logoWidth -}}"{{ end }}>
<img src="{{if $absoluteURL }}{{ absURL $logoDark }}{{ else }}{{ $logoDark }}{{ end }}" class="d-none-light" alt="{{ $title }} logo" height="50" {{with site.Params.navigation.logoWidth}}width="{{- site.Params.navigation.logoWidth -}}"{{ end }}>

Because of the logo height change, the navigation bar is higher and could obstruct headers when navigated to. To prevent this, change the offset parameter in the navigation section of config/_default/params.toml:

    offset = "4.3em"

Move search box to the right

I prefer the search box to be next to the navigation bar. To achieve this the below change is needed.

In layouts/partials/assets/navbar.html move this line:

<!-- Insert search input -->
{{- if $search }}{{ partial "assets/search-input.html" -}}{{ end -}}       

to below the line with: <ul class="navbar-nav ms-auto">.

Also the border of the search box could stand out a bit more. To accomplish that open the file, change the above line to:

<!-- Insert search input -->
{{- if $search }}{{ partial "assets/search-input.html" (dict "class" "border")-}}{{ end -}}       

Update sharing providers

I prefer it when a link to an external page opens in a new page, so I made some modifications to enable that. In addition, I also want to show a tooltip when hovering over the sharing buttons.

In config/_default/params.toml in the [[sharing,providers]] sections, for each of the available sections, add the line target = "_blank", like this:

    name = "LinkedIn"
    url = "https://www.linkedin.com/sharing/share-offsite/?url={url}"
    icon = "fab linkedin"
    weight = 10

    name = "X"
    url = "https://x.com/home?status={url}"
    icon = "fab x-twitter"
    weight = 20

    name = "Facebook"
    url = "https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u={url}"
    icon = "fab facebook"
    weight = 30

    name = "WhatsApp"
    url = "whatsapp://send?text={title}%20{url}"
    icon = "fab whatsapp"
    weight = 40

    name = "Clipboard"
    url = "{url}"
    icon = "fas link"
    weight = 50
    clipboard = true    

To enable showing the tooltip change layouts/partials/assets/sharing.html.

Change the line:

{{ partial "assets/button.html" (dict "toast" $target "clipboard" $clipboard "href" $url "icon" (printf "%s fa-fw" $item.icon) "class" "btn-social p-0" )}}


{{ partial "assets/button.html" (dict "toast" $target "clipboard" $clipboard "href" $url "tooltip" $item.name "icon" (printf "%s fa-fw" $item.icon) "class" "btn-social p-0" )}}

I also wanted to add Mastodon as a sharing button, but that requires a bit more changes and because of that I’ve made a separate blog post for that.

Change in config/_default.params.toml the section main.externalLinks to the following:

        cue = true
        tab = true

This will make external links (such as the sharing buttons) open in a separate tab. It will also add a cue to external links.

Color changes

Change the colors in config/_default/params.toml to:

    primary = "#0070E0"     # Celtic Blue
    secondary = "#6c757d"   # Slate Grey
    success = "#198754"     # Sea Green
    info = "#1FBDDC"        # Aero
    warning = "#ffc107"     # Amber
    danger = "#dc3545"      # Rusty Red
    light = "#f8f9fa"       # Sea Salt
    dark = "#212529"        # Eerie Black

Katex support

Katex is now supported as a Hinode module. All that is needed to enable Katex and be able to visualize formulas is to add the following to the frontmatter of the file in which the formulas are to be displayed:

modules: ["katex"]

To add a gallery section to the site, to which the user can navigate, open config/_default/params.toml and add to [sections] the following:

        title = "Gallery"
        layout = "card"
        sort = "date"
        reverse = false 
        nested = false
        background = ""
        color = ""
        style = "border-0 card-zoom"
        cols = 3
        padding = "0"
        header = "publication"
        footer = "tags"
        orientation = "stacked"
        homepage = 3
        separator = true

As the gallery should also be displayed on the home page, add "gallery" to the sections field of [home] in the params.toml file.

Create the folder gallery in the content folder. The navigation option for the gallery has already been added in Header changes.


The way that galleries are used on this site, requires a few more changes. The following shows an example of what the directory structure looks like when using multiple galleries:

      <image resources>
      <image resources>
      <image resources>

Each of the index.md files need to have the layout: gallery in the frontmatter, to make sure the layout of the page is done correctly. Additionally to enable the use of Lightbox, also lightbox: true needs to be added to the frontmatter. next to that each of the index.md files needs one or more calls to the mgallery shortcode. For an explanation of the use of that shortcode, check the mgallery blog and the documentation.

Changes to the default layout

The _index.md file will collect the information from the index.md files in the folders and show a list of all the available galleries, as defined by the frontmatter of the index files. Also an image could be added in the frontmatter and displayed in the list.
Normally that image would also be displayed on the gallery page itself. As the page already has a gallery of images, this doesn’t look good, so to prevent that from happening a change needs to be made to layouts/_default/single.html.

Also, because of the chosen structure, the breadcrumbs will look off when viewing a gallery page. To correct that another change needs to be made to layouts/_default/single.html.

Open the file layouts/_default/single.html and search for the word minimal. There should be three occurrences. In the first two occurrences minimal is part of a slice. Add in both those slices also "gallery". In the first occurrence the breadcrumbs are handled and the second one prevents the display of the image specified in the frontmatter, will not be displayed on the page.

Documentation changes

For Myrthos there will be multiple documentation sets. Hinode supports documentation, but only one set with multiple versions. However it is possible to “abuse” the Hinode implementation to achieve what is desired. The below information uses two example documentation sets named project-1 and PROJect2. The strange capitalization is used for testing purposes.

Create content/docs. In that directory create one folder per documentation set.

In the folder of the documentation set, create a folder for each section.

In the section folder create the document pages.

As an example this structure is used:



For all document pages add to the frontmatter the following:

layout: docs

This is required, so that the page is rendered properly as a documentation page.

For _index.md make the frontmatter look like this:

title: Documentation
description: The below cards provide an overview of the available documentation sets.
nested: false
layout: docs

The two parameters layout and nested are required to make sure the documentation list page is rendered correctly.

For the documentation page that is to be the first page of the document, aliases should be added in the frontmatter so that when navigating to this document it will always start on that page. Example for chapter-1.md:

  - "/docs/project-1/section1/chapter-1"
  - "/docs/project-1/chapter-1/"
  - "/docs/project-1/"

Only one page in the entire documentation set should have these aliases.
Note that the aliases do not have to be the same as the folder names. The aliases is what Hugo will use when building the site to create the folders. However I find it very confusing when the final site is using a different navigation structure, so I keep the names the same.

Next to that also add the following to the frontmatter:

landing: true

This identifies this page as a landing page for the documentation set, so that it can be linked to from the documentation list page.

Documentation list page

The documentation list page provides a list of all the documentation sets, by showing a card of the page that is identified as the landing page. To make this work, a change to layouts/partials/assets/section-list.html is needed.

Search for the line:

{{ $list = $page.RegularPages }}

and replace this by:

{{ if eq $page.Params.layout "docs" }}
    {{ $list = where $page.RegularPages "Params.landing" true }}
{{ else }}
    {{ $list = $page.RegularPages }}
{{ end }}

The added line will filter all documentation pages for the frontmatter parameter landing: true and only list the pages that have this in the frontmatter.


In config/_default/params.toml add the different documentation sets, which in Hinode are releases. Example:

    label = "First Project"
    url = "/docs/project-1"

    label = "Second Project"
    url = "/docs/PROJect2"

Also make sure that in the [docs] section the following is set:

    contentPath ="/docs/"

In addition also add to config/_default/params.toml the following section:

        title = "Documentation"
        layout = "card"     # card, list, nav
        sort = "title"      # date, lastmod, weight, title or custom as defined in page frontmatter
        reverse = false 
        nested = false      # indicate the content should be listed recursively for the entire section.
        background = ""     # “primary”, “secondary”, “success”, “danger”, “warning”, “info”, “light”, “dark”, “white”, “black”, “body”, or “body-tertiary”
        color = ""          # “primary”, “secondary”, “success”, “danger”, “warning”, “info”, “light”, “dark”, “white”, “black”, “body”, or “body-tertiary”
        style = "border-0 card-zoom" # Styling attributes for each element
        cols = 3            # 1..5
        padding = "0"       # “0”, “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, or “auto”
        header = "publication"     # Header of card: “full” (default), “publication”, “tags”, and “none”.
        footer = "tags"     # Footer of card: “full”, “publication”, “tags”, and “none” (default).
        orientation = "stacked" # Thumbnail: “stacked” (default), “horizontal”, or “none”
        homepage = 3        # Number of cards to display
        separator = true    # Show separator line between items, or not      

in the data folder add the TOC for each of the documentation sets in a YAML file. The file name is made up of docs followed by a - and the name of the documentation set folder, which is also the same as in [[docs.releases]]. In this examples the files docs-project-1.yaml and docs-PROJect2.yaml are to be created.

For these examples the contents of these files are respectively:

- title: Section1
    - title: Chapter 1
    - title: Chapter 2

- title: Section2
    - title: Chapter 21
    - title: Chapter 22


- title: Project A
    - title: Chapter A1
    - title: Chapter A2

- title: Project B
    - title: Chapter B1
    - title: Chapter B2

Note that the names should be identical to the folder structure used, where a - in the folder name can be replaced by a space in the yaml files. Also capitalization is ignored.

Enable thumbnail defined in frontmatter

By default, thumbnail images that are defined in the frontmatter of the page are not shown on the page when layout is set to docs. To give the documentation section the same look and feel as the rest of the site, this has been enabled as described below.

In layouts/_default/single.html, search for the following line:

{{ if .Params.thumbnail -}}

Above that line there is a slice defined. Remove from that slice "docs".

Normally the image will only be displayed on the introduction page of the documentation, as that is the only location where the thumbnail is specified. However, it will show an image on every page where the thumbnail is defined in the frontmatter.

Not showing the releases dropdown

By default the Hinode template will show the releases, in this case the documentation sets, in a drop-down menu. Which looks fine, but it only shows when a documentation page is active. The below steps disables the display of this drop-down list.

First add the following in the [docs] section of the config/_default/params.toml file to have an option to show or not show the releases drop-down list. If the option is not added, the default behavior of the Hinode template is used.

    hideReleases = true    # Hide the releases drop down when true

Additionally layouts/partials/assets/navbar.html needs to be modified.
The line that has {{ if $list }} is to be replaced with: {{ if and $list (not site.Params.docs.hideReleases) }}.
This will not show the releases drop-down menu when hideReleases is true. If it is not defined or false, the drop-down menu will be shown.

Documentation overview page

Instead of the drop down list, that only shows when a documentation page is visible, a menu item named Documentation is to be added. For this link to work a file named _index.md is needed in the /docs/ folder, with the following contents:

title: Documentation
description: The below cards provide an overview of the available documentation sets.
nested: false

Hugo renders the _index.md file in the docs folder as a list. for this to work properly, the frontmatter of the document pages need to be configured as described in Frontmatter.

Add documentation set name to TOC

With multiple documentation sets, it would also be nice to know what documentation set someone is reading at a given moment. For this the tile of the documentation set can be displayed above the TOC.
This can be turned off or on with the showDocTOCTitle parameter in the docs section of config/_default/params.toml.

    showDocTOCTitle = true # Show the (short) title of the document above the TOC

For this to work, the layouts/partials/assets/sidebar.html needs to be modified.
Above the line with <ul class="list-unstyled ps-0"> add the following:

        {{- if site.Params.docs.ShowDocTOCTitle -}}
            <h5>{{ strings.Replace $version "-" " "}}</h5>
        {{- end -}}

If a directory in docs/ has capitals, they are replaced by lower case letters when Hugo builds everything. As a result the navigation via the TOC does not work anymore. Because of that also the following change in layouts/partials/assets/sidebar.html is needed:
{{- $baseURL := relLangURL (path.Join $section $version) }}
{{- $baseURL := relLangURL (path.Join $section (strings.ToLower $version)) }}
This will remove any capitalization from the $version string. This is the string that holds the release, or in this case the name of the documentation set folder.

Disable git information

To disable the git information at the bottom of a docs page, add the following in the [docs] section of the config/_default/params.toml file to have an option to show or not show the git information. If the option is not added, the default behavior of the Hinode template is used.

    hideGitInfo = true     # Hide git information at the bottom of a docs page when true

Also, in layouts/_default/single.html search for {{ if eq .Layout "docs" }}. Wrap what is inside this if statement in a check for hideGitInfo as follows:

    {{ if eq .Layout "docs" }}
        {{ if not .Site.Params.docs.hideGitInfo }}
            <div class="mt-5 small">
                {{ partial "utilities/git.html" . }}
        {{ end }}

Home page changes

There are a few changes to the way the home page is displayed. The sections that are displayed on the home page and the image in the top blue block are defined in content/en/index.md, which is to be changed to:

<!-- CSpell:ignore Joost alexandre Debiève -->
<!-- markdownlint-disable MD003 MD018 MD022 MD041-->
author: Joost Mans
title: Welcome to this site!
    url: /img/electronics.jpg
    author: Alexandre Debiève
    authorURL: https://unsplash.com/@alexkixa
    origin: Unsplash
    originURL: https://unsplash.com/photos/FO7JIlwjOtU
<!-- markdownlint-disable MD018 MD022 MD041-->

A site that is dedicated to sharing some of the stuff that I like. At the moment, also a site that is under development and to which still quite some content needs to be added.  
I happen to like numerous things, but in this case what I will write about and share is mostly about developing this site, my electronics and software projects, and photography.

The most recent topics can be found in the below sections and all information can be accessed by navigating the menu above.  
If you are interested in who I am and why this site is named Myrthos, hit the About button below.

Furthermore the home section in the file /config/_default/params.toml needs to be changed to:

    sections = ["blog", "projects", "gallery"]

This makes sure to shows the last 3 blogs, projects and galleries on the front page.

The layout of the top blue bar is defined in layouts/partials/home/featured.html, which has been changed to:

<div class="container-fluid flex-fill bg-primary bg-opacity-{{ .Site.Params.style.themeOpacity | default "25" | safeHTML }}">
    <div class="container-xxl p-4">
        <div class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-sm-3 align-items-center pt-5 pb-1 h-100">
            <div class="col col-sm-8 text-center text-sm-start">
                <p class="display-4">{{ .Title }}</p>
                <p>{{ .Content }}</p>
                {{ if .Site.Params.feature.link }}
                    <p><a class="btn btn-primary" href="{{ .Site.Params.feature.link | safeURL }}" role="button">{{ .Site.Params.feature.caption | default (T "about") }}</a></p>
                {{ end }}
            <div class="col col-sm-4 col-md-4">
                {{- $thumbnail := (or (and (reflect.IsMap .Params.Thumbnail) .Params.Thumbnail.url) .Params.Thumbnail) -}}
                {{- $author := "" -}}
                {{- if and .Params.Thumbnail.authorURL "text" .Params.Thumbnail.author }}
                    {{- $author = partial "utilities/link" (dict "destination" .Params.Thumbnail.authorURL "text" .Params.Thumbnail.author) -}}
                {{- else if .Params.Thumbnail.author }}
                    {{- $author = .Params.Thumbnail.author -}}
                {{- end -}}
                {{- $origin := "" -}}
                {{- if and .Params.Thumbnail.originURL "text" .Params.Thumbnail.origin }}
                    {{- $origin = partial "utilities/link" (dict "destination" .Params.Thumbnail.originURL "text" .Params.Thumbnail.origin) -}}
                {{- else if .Params.Thumbnail.origin }}
                    {{- $origin = .Params.Thumbnail.origin -}}
                {{- end }}
                {{- $icon := partial "assets/icon.html" (dict "icon" "fas fa-camera") }}
                {{- $credits := "" -}}
                {{- if and $author $origin }}
                {{ $credits = printf "%s %s %s %s" $icon $author (T "photoOn") $origin }}
                {{ else if $author }}
                    {{ $credits = printf "%s %s" $icon $author }}
                {{ end }}
                {{ if $thumbnail }}
                    {{- partial "assets/mimage.html" (dict "url" $thumbnail 
                                                           "credits" $credits 
                                                           "ratio" "4x3" 
                                                           "outerClass" "img-wrap" 
                                                           "innerClass" "rounded"
                                                           "captionClass" "caption-align-right text-italic"
                                                           "title" .Site.Title) -}}
                {{ end }}
        <div class="col col-lg-2 d-none d-lg-block bg-info order-4"></div>

This makes the content area in the top blue bar wider, provides more space for the text and adds a credit to the image.

Different display of caption in images on single pages

As I preferred to have more options on how to display images and their caption, I created a shortcode named mimage. This shortcode is compatible with the Hinode image shortcode, but adds a number of options, like being able to change the way the caption is displayed.

When the frontmatter of a single page has thumbnail defined, the image shortcode is called from layouts/_default/single.html to display the image with the optional caption.

The image shortcode is replaced with the mimage shortcode, so that the credits can be moved to the right side of the image and be displayed in italic. Next to that I also prefer to show a photo icon instead of the text Photo by.

To accomplish this the below needs to be changed in layouts/_default/single.html.

Search for the line {{- if reflect.IsMap .Params.Thumbnail -}}. Before that line add the following:

{{- $icon := partial "assets/icon.html" (dict "icon" "fas fa-camera") }}

Change these lines:

{{- if and $author $origin }}
    {{ $credits = printf (T "photoFull") $author $origin }}
{{ else if $author }}
    {{ $credits = T "photoShort" $author }}
{{ end }}


{{- if and $author $origin }}
    {{ $credits = printf "%s %s %s %s" $icon $author (T "photoOn") $origin }}
{{ else if $author }}
    {{ $credits = printf "%s %s" $icon $author }}
{{ end }}

And this line

{{- partial "assets/image.html" (dict "url" $thumbnail "ratio" "21x9" "outerClass" "img-wrap" "innerClass" "rounded" "title" .Params.title "caption" $credits) -}}

is to be replaced with

{{- partial "assets/mimage.html" (dict "url" $thumbnail "ratio" "21x9" "outerClass" "img-wrap" "innerClass" "rounded" "captionClass" "caption-align-right text-italic" "title" .Params.title "caption" $credits) -}}

Obviously this only works when the mimage shortcode is installed, which is explained here.

Additional empty line before the comments

I think the space between the last line of the content and the horizontal line for the comments is too small. To make it bigger open the file layouts/_default/single.html and search for <hr>, prefix that with a break, so that the line becomes <br><hr>.

Adding GoatCounter as analytics tool

Hugo and also Hinode come with GoogleAnalytics out of the box. For this site this has been disabled and a more privacy friendly tool is used, named GoatCounter  .

For this the following is added to config/_default/params.toml:

        name = "name"
        enable = true

Note that "name" should be replaced with the actual GoatCounter account name.
GoatCounter can be disabled by setting enable to false.

And to layouts/partials/footer/scripts.html this part:

{{- if and (not site.IsServer) $header -}}
    {{- $pc := site.Config.Privacy.GoogleAnalytics -}}
    {{- if and (not $pc.Disable) (hasPrefix site.GoogleAnalytics "G-") }}
        <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id={{ site.GoogleAnalytics }}"></script>
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

Is to be replaced with:

{{- if and (not site.IsServer) $header -}}
    {{- $pc := site.Config.Privacy.GoogleAnalytics -}}
    {{- if and (not $pc.Disable) (hasPrefix site.GoogleAnalytics "G-") }}
        <script async src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id={{ site.GoogleAnalytics }}"></script>
    {{- end }}
    {{- if and site.Params.Analytics.GoatCounter.Enable site.Params.Analytics.GoatCounter.name -}}
        <script data-goatcounter="https://{{- site.Params.Analytics.GoatCounter.name -}}.goatcounter.com/count"
                async src="https://gc.zgo.at/count.v3.js"
    {{- end }}
{{- end -}}

This allows usage of either Google Analytics or GoatCounter or both.

Replace pagination of cards

This part can only be done when the assets/mpagination.html partial has been installed. Once that is done the paginator that is used when displaying the cards on the section pages, is replaced. For this open the file layouts/partials/assets/card-group.html and replace the line:

<div class="pt-3">{{ partial "assets/pagination.html" (dict "page" $page "format" "terse") }}</div>


<div class="pt-3">{{ partial "assets/mpagination.html" (dict "page" $page 
                                                             "mode" "buttons" 
                                                             "tooltips" "no"
                                                             "positions" 4) }}


Site Links
Social Media