mgallery shortcode installation

Posted on July 4, 2023 (Last modified on August 25, 2023) • 1 min read • 183 words
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Information on how to install the mgallery shortcode

Installation in a Hinode theme

The mgallery shortcode and all accompanying files are available as a Hugo module  .
To load this module at startup add the following to the [module] section in config/_default/hugo.toml:

    path = ""

And to the [modules] section in config/_default/params/params.toml, "mgallery" to the optional parameter.

After this the module will be automatically loaded when npm run start, or npm run build is executed on the command line.

Further configuration

As the goal is to load the javascript file only when it is needed, an entry in the frontmatter of the page where the mgallery shortcode is used, is required, which is the following:

modules: ["mgallery"]

Installation in a non-Hinode theme

Installing the mgallery module on a non-Hinode theme has not been tested, but as it is a Hugo module, installation of that module should be possible following the necessary steps. Using the mgallery shortcode without Hinode has been tested and also works when the additional shortcode parameter hinode is set tot `“false”’. This adds some required additional styling.
For correct operation of the shortcode, Bootstrap version 5 is required.

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